Personal Training & Program Design


Don’t Just Set Goals – Achieve Them!

What Your Personal Training Experience Will Look Like:


Your consult is a meeting where you can inform your practitioner about who you are, get to know each other, and decide that you’re a good fit together. You can expect to talk about the goals you want to achieve, barriers to success so far, health history, lifestyle, and habits. You and your practitioner can start to build rapport and trust before embarking on your journey.


Depending on your goals and current status, your trainer will take an in-depth look at your posture, movement patterns, and mobility to gain further insight into any dysfunction needing to be addressed during your program. All assessment areas have an interrelated effect on your current condition and will help formulate the strategy best suited to you.

Posture: Illuminates static imbalances.

Movement: Illuminates dynamic motor pattern and muscle imbalances

Mobility: Illuminates joint restrictions


Your practitioner plans your program based on your goals and assessment results along with your schedule and level of commitment. Our objective is to get you to achieve your target in the fastest and safest way possible.

Correctives: Some stretches and exercises will be chosen specifically to combat muscular imbalances.

Program Design: Appropriate workouts or other tasks are given for you to do on your own during the days you aren’t with your practitioner. It can range from exercises and stretches to nutrition and recovery.

Tracking: To keep your eye on the prize and monitor progress, tracking strategies such as measurements, strength and cardio testing, and subjective pain relief.

Accountability: Perhaps one of the most vital components you and your practitioner will discuss is an accountability strategy that works for you. Your investment in a training package is the first and most crucial step in committing.

Reassess: When goals have been met and exceeded, you will decide what you want to strive for next whether it be a completely different goal than you started with or maintaining and enjoying the results you’ve achieved.

No matter what stage of progress you’re at, we will help guide and motivate you the rest of the way.